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Star Trek - The Next Generation

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Star Trek - The Next Generation
Captain Jean-Luc Pilchard welcomes you, a top-rated cadet at Starfleet Academy, to the most intense training session you'll ever experience: the Advanced Helpdesk Tutorial! The Helpdesk's computer simulations put you at the him of the galaxy class starship Enterprise -- all of its power and crew await your orders. You'll embark on a series of mission assigned by your instructor. Captain pilchard, but only you can make the life-or-death decisions required of a Starfleet Officer. The more successful you are at completing your missions, the higher your academy ranking and the more complex the missions become. So test your split-second decision-making skills and push your Starfleet training to the limit: the possibilities are as limitless as the universe itself!

Игра по мотивам одноименного сериала. В данной версии вы будете командовать всей командой корабля. Отдавая приказы соответствующему члену команды, можно приблизится к планете, выйти на орбиту, сражаться с врагами и вести исследования. Графика и музыка в игре ничего особенного не представляют, но, тем не менее, не так уж и плоха.

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