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Pulseman Japan Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump

  •  (359)
  • Action
  • 1994
  • US title: Pulseman
  • Japanese title (kanji): パルスマン
  • Publisher/Maker: Sega / Game Freak
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Pulseman Japan Known bad checksum but good dump - This code represents a cart known to not use Sega's standard checksum routine; emulators with an autofix checksum feature will need to have that feature disabled to run the game. Verified good dump
Pulseman was developed by Game Freak for the Mega Drive and was published by Sega. It is probably one of the best platformers of all time, but is sadly not well known, as it was never published outside of Japan, and was released late in the console's life. Good action is combined with a high quality of production to produce a unique game that is both challenging and fun. It is also fairly long, normally requiring over two hours of play time to complete, putting it in the same category as Ristar. It can also be very difficult at times, especially if you don't fully understand Pulseman's moves.

Translation patch can be found here:

Платформенная игра с хорошей графикой и звуком. Главный герой, Pulseman, полностью оправдывает своё имя. Его переполняет энергия, стоит пробежаться, и аккумуляторы заряжены на выстрел, или суперудар. Игровой процесс прост: выбираем уровень из доступных, и вперёд на защиту слабых и изничтожение злобных. Бегаем, прыгаем, разбираемся с врагами различными способами, в конце уровня ждёт большой злобный и глупый босс.