Avatar - The Legend of Aang [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] EuropeMultilanguage; 4 of languages (selectable by a menu)
US title: Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Video Game
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Avatar - The Legend of Aang [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] EuropeMultilanguage; 4 of languages (selectable by a menu)
Multilanguage; 4 of languages (selectable by a menu)
Avatar - The Legend of Aang [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] EuropeMultilanguage; 4 of languages (selectable by a menu)
Avatar - The Legend of Aang [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012] EuropeMultilanguage; 4 of languages (selectable by a menu)
On other platforms: Avatar - The Legend of Aang [I-BR T-Luccasdavid G-Disco Voador Romhack P-100% A-2012]