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Softball Tengoku Japan Bad dump 1

  •  (359)
  • Baseball
  • 1989
  • US title: Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
  • Japanese title: Softball Tengoku
  • Publisher/Maker: Broderbund / Tokyo Shoseki
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Softball Tengoku Japan Bad dump 1
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball is a one- or two-player NES game where players can pick and choose various fictional softball players and customize their own team to take to the championship. The player can even pick a letter out of the alphabet to customize his team name with. In the original Japanese version, however, monsters like Draculas, mummies, ghosts and other fantasy creatures could be selected. Once that is done, the player then selects a field (with each one of them having its own special house rules).

Полушуточный бейсбол. Хотя персонажи все и мультяшные, выбирать команду и играть нужно как в серьезных симуляторах. Несколько различных полей для игры также уносят элемент интереса. В японской версии игроками являются зверушки, а в американской - человечки.

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