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Final Fantasy II Japan Hacked to run on mapper 02

  •  (359)
  • Classic (Console-Style) RPG
  • 1988
  • Japanese title: Final Fantasy II
  • Japanese title (kanji): ファイナルファンタジーII
  • Alternate titles: Yu Zhou Zhan Jiang - Space General Final Fantasy 2
  • Publisher/Maker: Square
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Final Fantasy II Japan Hacked to run on mapper 02
Final Fantasy II is notable for being both story-intensive and for doing away with the popular experience point system. Instead of having a level-up structure, player stats increased via the usage of certain attack types. The game's turn-based battle system gave the player the opportunity to input commands for all four members of the battle party at once. At any time before the command for the final character in the lineup was issued, the player could hit a button and return to the previous character to reissue a command. The story concerns the adventures of four youngsters from the kingdom of Fynn named Firion, Maria, Guy and Leon. After the parents are killed, these four set out to literally walk into the depth of Hell, defeat the evil emperor and find Maria's missing brother, Leon. The second Final Fantasy title also introduced the recurring character of Cid as well as the Chocobo birds.

Вторая часть знаменитого сериала. Графика изменилась совсем немного. Зато очень сильно изменилась игра. Теперь у каждого героя в партии есть свое имя и своя индивидуальность. В диалогах уже делаются различия между персонажами и намечаются признаки отношений между ними и другими персонажами игры. Наконец, появляется полновесный сюжет с интригой. Первая игра, в которой даже битва с врагом поставлена на службу сюжета - нужно проигрывать в соответствии с ним!

On other platforms: Final Fantasy II