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BurgerTime Japan Overdump 1 Pirated version 1

  •  (359)
  • Action-Arcade
  • 1995
  • US title: BurgerTime
  • Publisher/Maker: Data East / Namco
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BurgerTime Japan Overdump 1 Pirated version 1
The playfield consists of ladders and on which rest oversized hamburger layers (the bun, the meat patties, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese). The layers are arranged vertically so that they can be dropped directly onto each other. The player's objective is to control his chef to make hamburgers by walking over the layers. When the player has walked along the entire width of a layer, the layer falls down one level. If a layer falls atop another, the lower layer will also fall down by a level. When all of the hamburger layers have fallen onto a tray below, that hamburger becomes complete. When all hamburgers are completed, the level is won. The fastest way to assemble a burger is to make the top-most layer fall with an enemy on the bun.

Древняя и очень примитивная игрушка с видом сбоку про гамбургеры. Человечек бегает по лесенкам и сыплет солью на сосиски и яичницу, а потом сбрасывает на них сверху куски хлеба, мясо и зелень, чтобы получился большой гамбургер.

On other platforms: BurgerTime