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King's Quest V USA Overdump 1

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King's Quest V USA Overdump 1
The King of Daventry has a problem. One day, while he was away, his entire castle and his family was swept away by a mysterious and powerful cold wind. When he returns to his Kingdom, Sir Graham finds nothing but an empty plot of land and a wise owl. Luckily, the owl witnessed the entire abduction, and he will accompany Sir Graham and give him tips and advice on his quest to find his castle and family. In KING'S QUEST V, you control Sir Graham as he ventures out on a journey to find his missing family. You'll interact with hundreds of NPCs, searching for answers and clues as to the whereabouts of your wife and children. You'll also have to fight along the way, so have your sword at the ready in case you should need it. Will you find your family, or are they gone forever?

Чистой воды квест в лучших традициях старых компьютерных квестов. Есть рисованные экраны с различными ландшафтами и помещениями, по ним ходит герой, управляемый с джойстика. Чтобы что-то сделать, нужно переключить в режим курсора, выбрать действие из меню и указать курсором на предмет, надо которым надо произвести действие. Невероятно, но компьютерная игра все-таки просочилась на эту приставку.

On other platforms: King's Quest V