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Miracle Piano Teaching System, The USA Verified good dump

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Miracle Piano Teaching System, The USA Verified good dump
Miracle Piano is a teaching tool for the NES, or the IBM PC that teaches children how to play the piano. Students can learn to play classic piano, rock piano or show tunes. Fun exercises making learning the piano seem less like a chore and more like playing a video game. Instead of using the traditional NES controller, the piano becomes the controller as players hits targets in order to perfect their music skills.

Обучение игре на пианино. По всей видимости, требует наличия какого-либо устройства типа синтезатора. Управление в игре плохо эмулируется, поэтому пробраться дальше настроек для джойстика не удается.

On other platforms: Miracle Piano Teaching System, The