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Silver Surfer

  •  (359)
  • Action
  • 1990
  • US title: Silver Surfer
  • Publisher/Maker: Arcadia Systems / Software Creations
The player-controlled Silver Surfer flies around levels on a cosmic surf board. Touching the scenery or getting hit once by any of the enemies results in the character's death. This makes the game incredibly difficult as each level has a great deal of encroaching scenenry and choatic movement of enemies and projectiles. Each stage is broken up into three different levels. While the game is next to impossible to defeat, it does have a password feature that allows such upgrades as invincibility. The game has cut-scenes between the levels to move the story line ahead, and allows the player to pick the levels in any order, similar to the Mega Man games.

Леталка-стрелялка с очередным героем американских комиксов. Серебряный серфер - именно он и есть. Летит-плывет мускулистый дядька весь серебряного цвета на большой доске, постреливая во врагов и уворачиваясь от патронов с их стороны. Периодически вид меняется, то сбоку, то сверху. Сложность просто сумасшедшая. Как всегда, музыка от Software Creations на высоте.
Silver Surfer

On other platforms: Silver Surfer