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Trog Europe Verified good dump

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Trog Europe Verified good dump
Welcome to the prehistoric land of Og, where a one-eyed caveman named Trog fends for himself by hunting dinosaurs. In TROG! you have to help Spike and Bloop two dinosaurs avoid becoming Trog's next meal. You'll be on the run through 50 wacky islands as Trog uses his newest inventions fire, the wheel, and the pogo stick to increase his chances of scoring a kill. Luckily, you can find power-ups to turn the tables, such as pineapples that will turn you into a T-Rex that can flatten your pursuer in one big step! Whether you play by yourself or against a friend, TROG! will put your survival instincts to the test.

Необычная бродилка. Доисторические времена. На небольших островках динозаврик борется за жизнь с представителями расы одноглазых. Необходимо на каждом уровне-лабиринте собрать все шарики и не попасться врагу в лапы. В общем, это сильно видоизмененный, но по сути оставшийся прежним Pac-Man.

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