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Venice Beach Volleyball (AVE) (AVE) Overdump 1

  •  (359)
  • VolleyBall
  • 1991
  • US title: Venice Beach Volleyball
  • Publisher/Maker: Idea-Tek
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Venice Beach Volleyball (AVE) (AVE) Overdump 1
Venice Beach Volleyball is an action volleyball game which can be played one player against the computer, two players against the computer, or two players against each other. There are three difficulty levels for the game, and you can choose from four different teams each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You can choose for 5, 10, or 15 points to win a set and either one or three sets to win a game. Two scoring rules are available, normal (you must be serving to win the point) or rally (a point can be won when serving or receiving.) 

Довольно симпатичная игрушка. Пляжный волейбол - пара на пару. Простенькая музыка но чуть более выдающаяся графика.

On other platforms: Venice Beach Volleyball (AVE)