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Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium

  •  (359)
  • Action RPG
  • US title: Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Level 99 Bug from VC) (Level 99 Bug from VC) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (E) [f1] (Level 99 Bug from VC).bin.binEurope Fixed dump 1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (E).bin.binEurope
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [!].bin.binJapan Verified good dump
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Chi(Simp)1.0b_Phanteam].bin.binJapan Chinese (Simp)1.0b Phanteam
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Chi(Simp)1.3_Ken Tse].bin.binJapan Chinese (Simp)1.3 Ken Tse
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Chi(Trad)].bin.binJapan Chinese (Trad)
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Rus_bybyc9lc9l].bin.binJapan Russian bybyc9lc9l
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi1.1].bin.binJapan Chinese 1.1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi1.1][a1].bin.binJapan Alternative version 1 Chinese 1.1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi1.1_Ken Tse].bin.binJapan Chinese 1.1 Ken Tse
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi].bin.binJapan Chinese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi][a1].bin.binJapan Alternative version 1 Chinese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi][a2].bin.binJapan Alternative version 2 Chinese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi][a3].bin.binJapan Alternative version 3 Chinese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T-Chi][a4].bin.binJapan Alternative version 4 Chinese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [h1C].bin.binJapan Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [h2C].bin.binJapan Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #2
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [h3C].bin.binJapan Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #3
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Prototype - Aug 15, 1994) (Prototype - Aug 15, 1994) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) (Prototype - Aug 15, 1994).bin.binUSA
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Prototype - Jun 08, 1994) (Prototype - Jun 08, 1994) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) (Prototype - Jun 08, 1994).bin.binUSA
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Prototype - May 30, 1994) (Prototype - May 30, 1994) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) (Prototype - May 30, 1994).bin.binUSA
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Prototype - Nov 07, 1994) (Prototype - Nov 07, 1994) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) (Prototype - Nov 07, 1994).bin.binUSA
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Prototype - Oct 27, 1994) (Prototype - Oct 27, 1994) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) (Prototype - Oct 27, 1994).bin.binUSA
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [!].bin.binUSA Verified good dump
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+BraRev5_Hyllian e grande elenco].bin.binUSA Brazilian Portuguese Rev5 Hyllian e grande elenco
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+Bra_Hyllian].bin.binUSA Brazilian Portuguese Hyllian
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+Fre_Terminus].bin.binUSA French Terminus
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+Spa_sayans].bin.binUSA Spanish sayans
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T-Bra].bin.binUSA Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T-Bra][a1].bin.binUSA Alternative version 1 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b1].bin.binUSA Bad dump 1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b1][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Bad dump 1 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b2].bin.binUSA Bad dump 2
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b2][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Bad dump 2 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b3].bin.binUSA Bad dump 3
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b3][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Bad dump 3 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b4].bin.binUSA Bad dump 4
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b4][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Bad dump 4 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Level 99 Fix by Sixfortyfive v1.0) (Level 99 Fix by Sixfortyfive v1.0) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f1] (Level 99 Fix by Sixfortyfive v1.0).bin.binUSA Fixed dump 1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f1].bin.binUSA Fixed dump 1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f1][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Fixed dump 1 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (Level 99 Bug from VC) (Level 99 Bug from VC) Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f2] (Level 99 Bug from VC).bin.binUSA Fixed dump 2
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h1C].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h1C][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h2C].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #2
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h2C][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #2 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h3C].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #3
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h3C][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #3 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h4C].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #4
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h4C][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #4 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h5C].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #5
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h5C][T+Bra].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #5 Brazilian Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h6C].bin.binUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #6
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Difficulty Mod v1.0Arranged by Sixfortyfive Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Difficulty Mod v1.0Arranged by Sixfortyfive (Hack).bin.binROM hack
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Hard Mode Mod Double Experience & Meseta by The Komrade Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Hard Mode Mod Double Experience & Meseta by The Komrade (Hack).bin.binROM hack
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Hell Mod V2.6 by The Komrade Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Hell Mod V2.6 by The Komrade (Hack).bin.binROM hack
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Purgatory Mod V1.4 by The Komrade Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Purgatory Mod V1.4 by The Komrade (Hack).bin.binROM hack
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Purgatory Mode Mod Double Experience & Meseta by The Komrade Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium - Purgatory Mode Mod Double Experience & Meseta by The Komrade (Hack).bin.binROM hack
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Chi1.1].gen.genJapan Chinese 1.1
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+PorRev5_Hyllian e grande elenco].gen.genUSA Portuguese Rev5 Hyllian e grande elenco
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+Por].gen.genUSA Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T-Por].gen.genUSA Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b1][T+Por].gen.genUSA Bad dump 1 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b2][T+Por].gen.genUSA Bad dump 2 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b3][T+Por].gen.genUSA Bad dump 3 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [b4][T+Por].gen.genUSA Bad dump 4 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f1][T+Por].gen.genUSA Fixed dump 1 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h1C][T+Por].gen.genUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h2C][T+Por].gen.genUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #2 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h3C][T+Por].gen.genUSA Hacked internal cartridge info Hacked internal cartridge information - #3 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h4C][T+Por].gen.genUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #4 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [h5C][T+Por].gen.genUSA Hacked internal cartridge information - #5 Portuguese
Play Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (R) [!].bin.binRussia Verified good dump

On other platforms: Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium